Subject ▸ Shiny

A Vagrant virtual machine that runs a Shiny server

Introduction This is an example of a straight forward generation of a Vagrant virtual machine. The script necessary to create the VM is written inside the Vagrantfile and has very few lines. The machines was upgraded to Ubuntu xenial64, as well the R Shiny server and the xenial keys to the repository. There are several files that document the changes and problems found during the rebuilt of this machine: README, NEWS, BUILD, and HISTORY, all of them markdown files.

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Running R Shiny, RStudio Server, OpenCPU and Webmin in a Vagrant Virtual Box

Introduction This is a modified version of a Vagrant machine originally created six years ago. I found the VM in the web here. It wasn’t running from the get-go and some modifications were required. The changes are documented in the markdown files NEWS, BUILD and HISTORY with the project. About this virtual machine The machine was upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty 64 bits which makes some of the problems, due to aged software go away.

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