Subject ▸ PVT

Python and PVT by Mark Burgoyne

PVT coded in Python!

Keywords: PVT, Python, phase behavior, EOS


Building your own petroleum engineering library with R: zFactor v0.1.7

Introduction I just released last night a new version of zFactor: v0.1.7. As of this morning, the package has been accepted by CRAN, the Comprehensive R Network Archive. All the code, notes, datasets, notebooks, documentation is publicly available via GitHub at this link. The zFactor R package also includes its own website: Motivation That is one of the neat things about R: the code and documentation that you write for your package can also be used for automatically generating a website in GitHub.

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Building your own petroleum engineering library: zFactor has a website

I just upgraded the package zFactor today. I added a new feature that converts the entire R package to a website to navigate through its pages of analysis and report. In fact, it was very simple. There is a package called pkgdown that turns any R package in a website using the same GitHub repository. To access the zFactor package as a website just click on this link:

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