The introductory tutorial to #rTorch has just been released. You can read it here:, or access the whole code to the book written in #Rmarkdown over here:
This time I am including code in R and Python. The code chunks for Python are greenish, and the #rstats code in blueish. You will also find some code run using the #Nix terminal; that code has gray background.
There are several examples on basic tensor operations and couple of neural networks to get you started. I have also included a simple example of solving logistic regression and linear regression using rTorch.
The nice thing is that is totally up to you to code you #machinelearning algorithm in Python (PyTorch) or R (rTorch). The great huge thing is that you can write your DS or ML documents, analysis, papers, or reports using #Rmarkdown, which is ideal for data science, #reproducibility, and #versioncontrol.
I have another tutorial in preparation with advanced examples and #GANs.
#petroleumengineering #rstats #datascience #gpu #machinelearning #reservoirsimulation #spe #python #oilandgas #neuralnetworks #geophysics #deeplearning