Volve datasets: what can we learn?


Let’s enter the individual size of each of the Volve data files:

# megabytes
#> Megabytes
(mega <- c(geophysics = 99, reservoir_eclipse = 390, well_technical = 212,
          seismic_vsp = 95, production = 2, reports = 162))
#>        geophysics reservoir_eclipse    well_technical       seismic_vsp 
#>                99               390               212                95 
#>        production           reports 
#>                 2               162
# gigabytes
#> Gigabytes
(giga <- c(geoscience = 54.6, reservoir_rms = 2.1, well_logs = 6.9, 
          seismic_4d = 330.4, well_logs_per_well = 7, witsml_drilling = 5))
#>         geoscience      reservoir_rms          well_logs         seismic_4d 
#>               54.6                2.1                6.9              330.4 
#> well_logs_per_well    witsml_drilling 
#>                7.0                5.0
# terabytes
#> Terabytes
(tera <- c(seismic_st10010 = 2.6, seismic_st0202 = 1.2))
#> seismic_st10010  seismic_st0202 
#>             2.6             1.2
# Summary in gigabytes
cat(sprintf("\nDataset in GB\n"))
#> Dataset in GB
c(mega / 1024, giga, tera * 1024)
#>         geophysics  reservoir_eclipse     well_technical        seismic_vsp 
#>       9.667969e-02       3.808594e-01       2.070312e-01       9.277344e-02 
#>         production            reports         geoscience      reservoir_rms 
#>       1.953125e-03       1.582031e-01       5.460000e+01       2.100000e+00 
#>          well_logs         seismic_4d well_logs_per_well    witsml_drilling 
#>       6.900000e+00       3.304000e+02       7.000000e+00       5.000000e+00 
#>    seismic_st10010     seismic_st0202 
#>       2.662400e+03       1.228800e+03
giga_total <- sum(c(mega / 1024, giga, tera * 1024))

# how many gigabytes of data?
cat(sprintf("\nTotal Gigabytes: %8.3f", giga_total))
#> Total Gigabytes: 4298.137