Using application microprocessors for seismic

First practical application that I know of using the next thing after TPUs (Tensor Processing Units): ASICs or Application Specific Integrated Circuit. Ideal dedicated hardware for the massive seismic data and processing.

Machine Learning (ML) algorithms build a mathematical model based upon representative sample data, known as ‘training data’, in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to perform the task. I limit my discussion here to supervised learning in the context of a potential application to seismic data image processing of a real marine seismic dataset, and then discuss how the computational scale of such exercises reinforce the need to develop computing technology that is customized for large ML problems. I then briefly describe the emergence and relevance of Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) concepts to accelerate ML applications. Andrew Long.

 #petroleumengineering #spe #oilandgas #deeplearning


